The health, safety and welfare of employees are of prime importance to Roughton and are essential to the efficient operation of its undertakings. Roughton will ensure that this policy is pursued throughout the organisation by taking all reasonably practicable precautions to ensure the aims of this policy are understood and adhered to by all employees, in all areas in which we operate.
To provide, manage and maintain:
All members of staff have a responsibility to behave in accordance with this policy.
This policy has been endorsed by, and has the full support of the Board of Directors.
Overall responsibility for the effectiveness of the policy lies with the Group Board director responsible for human resources.
On joining Roughton's UK business, all employees are required to attend an induction briefing at which time they will receive a personal copy of this Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Company Health & Safety Manual. Roughton expects employees to co-operate in implementing this policy; to comply with the relevant sections of the Health and Safety at Work Act; and to exercise all reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work, wherever they may be. Employees joining offices outside the UK are inducted in accordance with locally prevailing regulations and guidance.
All line managers are responsible for ensuring the day-to-day application of this policy statement in addition to the guidance provided in the Health & Safety Manual. They are to ensure that all staff under their control have read and understood this Health and Safety Policy Statement. They must ensure that the appropriate written reporting procedures are established and maintained with the aim of maintaining and improving health and safety standards.
This Health and Safety Policy Statement will be reviewed and revised as necessary at regular intervals not exceeding two years from the date of previous issue or as often as required by the obligations of new or amended legislation; any changes will be brought to the attention of all employees as soon as practicable. This policy statement will be displayed prominently in all our offices.