
The transport sector has been at the heart of Roughton’s operations for over 50 years. In the past 20 years we have been appointed by more than 50 national transport authorities and ministries on over 350 transport projects.


ROMAPS is the copyright name of ROughton international’s MAintenance Planning System

ROMAPS is the copyright name of ROughton international’s MAintenance Planning System. The system is designed to provide Road Asset Management capabilities without the need for extensive institutional resources and sophisticated survey and support facilities. It is therefore particularly well suited for use by road authorities and institutions that have limited resources, but who never-the-less need to apply modern technology to the operation and maintenance of their road networks. The system enforces national maintenance policies and departmental regulations and standardises maintenance practice countrywide.

ROMAPS provides the maintenance engineer with a complete Budgeting, Planning and Management facility for Emergency, Routine, Preventative and Periodic Maintenance. Additionally it provides a Pavement Management functionality by assembling and exporting the data necessary to carry out both network and project-level economic evaluations using the World Banks HDM programs.

In common with other credible maintenance planning systems, ROMAPS can manage and process detailed network inventory and condition data. However, ROMAPS has an additional ability to accept and use data at Information Quality Level 4. IQL4 data is qualitative and anecdotal rather than measured. Such a facility makes ROMAPS particularly suited for use as a District Maintenance Management System, enhances the acceptability and institutionalisation of the system and further facilitates sustainability by enabling existing local staff to carry out the data collection with modest training and minimal additional resources.
